Archive for April, 2008



a disorder characterized by short stature, round face, short neck, and shortening of metacarpal bones with normal blood chemistry values and normal renal response to parathyroid hormone. In addition, the parathyroid glands are intrinsically normal, and parathyroid hormone levels are also normal. These patients, although they have the same phenotype as those with pseudohypoparathyroidism, have true hypoparathyroidism.

Source: Medcyclopedia.

Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is an inherited disorder that closely simulates the symptoms, but not the consequences of pseudohypoparathyroidism, thus it has mild or no manifestations of hypoparathyroidism or tetanic convulsions.

At 30 letters, the English name of the disorder is one of the candidates for being the longest word in English.



Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “a factitious word alleged to mean ‘a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust found in volcanoes’ but occurring chiefly as an instance of a very long word.”. It was coined to serve as the longest English word and is the longest word ever to appear in an English language dictionary. This 45-letter word, referred to as P45, first appeared in the 1939 supplement to the Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary, Second Edition. It is listed in the current edition of several dictionaries. A condition meeting the word’s definition is normally called silicosis.


The word was invented in 1935 by Everett M. Smith, president of the National Puzzlers’ League, at its annual meeting. The word figured in the headline for an article published by the New York Herald Tribune on February 23, 1935 titled “Puzzlers Open 103d Session Here by Recognizing 45-Letter Word”:

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis succeeded electrophotomicrographically as the longest word in the English language recognized by the National Puzzlers’ League at the opening session of the organization’s 103d semi-annual meeting held yesterday at the Hotel New Yorker. The puzzlers explained that the forty-five-letter word is the name of a special form of silicosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of silica volcanic dust…

Subsequently, the word was used in a puzzle book, Bedside Manna, after which members of the NPL campaigned to have it included in major dictionaries.



Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmato-silphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophatto-peristeralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraio-baphetraganopterygon is a fictional dish mentioned in Aristophanes’ comedy Assemblywomen.

A transliteration of the Ancient Greek word λοπαδοτεμαχοσελαχογαλεοκρανιολειψανοδριμυποτριμματο-σιλφιοκαραβομελιτοκατακεχυμενοκιχλεπικοσσυφοφαττοπε-ριστεραλεκτρυονοπτοκεφαλλιοκιγκλοπελειολαγῳοσιραιο-βαφητραγανοπτερύγων in the Greek alphabet (1169-74). Liddell and Scott translate this as “name of a dish compounded of all kinds of dainties, fish, flesh, fowl, and sauces.”

The original Greek spelling had 171 characters (something which is not obvious in the Roman transcription, depending on the variant) and for centuries it was the longest word known.

The dish was a fricassee, with 17 sweet and sour ingredients, including brains, honey, vinegar, fish, pickles, and the following:

  • Fish slices
  • Fish of the Elasmobranchii subclass (a shark or ray)
  • Rotted dogfish or small shark’s head
  • Generally sharp-tasting dish of several ingredients grated and pounded together
  • Silphion “laserwort,” apparently a kind of giant fennel
  • A kind of crab, beetle, or crayfish
  • Eagle
  • Cheese
  • Honey poured down
  • Wrasse (or thrush)
  • Was topped with a kind of sea fish or Blackbird
  • Wood pigeon
  • Domestic pigeon
  • Chicken
  • Roasted head of dabchick
  • Hare, which could be a kind of bird or a kind of sea hare
  • New wine boiled down
  • Dessert, fruit, or other raw food
  • Wing and/or fin

The gynecocracy depicted in Assemblywomen attempts to treat everyone equally. They create this dish so that they can serve one food that fits everyone’s needs. The dish’s name is mentioned only twice, in one of the last speeches of the play.



PRONUNCIATION: ən, ăn when stressed


CONJUNCTION: Archaic And if; if.

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, short for and, and, from Old English. See and.



The only references I could find to this were gaming-related.

Bezainted mail is normal leather armor with thick metal discs studded onto it. It is more than twice as expensive as ring mail and takes much longer to make.

Source: Bardic Web.


The first of three words from Fortress in the Eye of Time.

hight /haɪt/
Archaic. called or named: Childe Harold was he hight.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME; OE heht, reduplicated preterit of hātan to name, call, promise, command (c. G heissen to call, be called, mean); akin to behest]



loge /loʊʒ/
1. (in a theatre) the front section of the lowest balcony, separated from the back section by an aisle or railing or both.
2. a box in a theatre or opera house.
3. any small enclosure; booth.
4. (in France) a cubicle for the confinement of art students during important examinations.

[Origin: 1740-50; < F; see lodge]



ca·ïque /kɑˈik/
1. a single-masted sailing vessel used on the eastern Mediterranean Sea, having a sprit mainsail, a square topsail, and two or more other sails.
2. a long, narrow rowboat used on the Bosporus.
Also, ca·ique.

[Origin: 1615-25; < F < It caicco < Turk kayιk; r. caik < Turk kayιk]



lu·thi·er /ˈlutiər/
a maker of stringed instruments, as violins.

[Origin: 1875-80; < F, equiv. to luth lute + –ier -ier]
